Brainwave Creations

Games designed by Gamers for Gamers

brainwave Creations Studio

Indie Game Studio - Designing Fun Games From
Casual to Challenging!

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Not only an indie game design studio


New Stable Release of Construct 3 Now Available

The Scirra development team has been hard at work during the past several Beta releases of Construct 3. Adding in many improvements to the 8 Directional Movement Behavior, Effect System, and Timeline Editor, among other additions. Along with the Timeline […]


Platformer Game Design & Development Series

Good morning, fellow game developers 🙂 For a while now, I’ve been gearing up to start recording my first full length Game Design and Development educational tutorial series. It will be focused around recreating my current Platforming Game Project titled, […]


Working With Family Objects Within Construct 3

As you learn how to work with, and create many different types of projects within the Construct 3 Game Engine. You will find certain features of the application in particular, that will make your prototyping & development cycles much faster, […]


Construct 3(r299) Beta Release & Example

It’s been a long while, since I’ve created a post on here regarding a new release of Construct 3. Scirra has been making big strides to implement new features, and fixing up bugs since the last update I created a […]

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