The next step of the design and development process was basically adding in some new pixel art into the game. I didn’t change much in the gameplay from the previous day. My artist was done with pretty much all of the art, and I was only waiting on a couple of things art wise.
I was going for a retro SNES vibe with this game. The Super Nintendo was the very first console I ever owned, and played(Zelda: Link to the Past, being my first gameplay experience). So it will always have that special place in my heart. To this day, I have a long list of games in my Steam library to play through that have that old school pixel art vibe. I love me some metroidvania games. Speaking of…. If you are into metroidvania style games, especially the original Super Metroid on the SNES, I highly recommend checking out Axiom Verge, and Axiom Verge 2(just recently dropped). I have not finished the 2nd one yet, as I’ve been very busy with several projects at once, this site being one of them. But, they are fantastic example of the style game I am talking about.
Anyways, the only real update on that day, was adding in some new art for the ground, player, civilians, and turrets. Along with those changes, I also added in a moon sprite, along with some animated sprites for stars in the sky on the background layer of the game. Also changing the color of the night sky, and some mountains in the background for some added visual elements in the game. I was, and still am super stoked with how the art came out. The man I found for pixel art is a genius, haha. He delivered exactly what I was looking for, in a very quick amount of time, which made it easy for me to work on the development side of things, and work on adding more mechanics the days that followed.
There is not much more to say here. Below is a quick video of the progress as of 8/4/21, along with a static screenshot, as I’ve done on previous posts related to this project.